Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Performing without Borders visits La Puerta Abierta

There was no silience at La Biblioteca Puerta Abierta last Saturday morning which was perfectly OK!

Performing without Borders ( is on a two week tour of Guatemala and working with a variety of NGOs throughout the country sharing songs, games, and leadership activities with youth in a program designed to inspire children to speak up and feel confident using their own voices.

30 elementry aged children gathered with the team of actors from Colorado for a mutually good time. Reflects Chelsea, the program coordinator, "I forgot how fun it is just to play with little kids."

The library quickly filled with the echoes of a childhood favorite classic chanting song "Boom-chika-boom," and our young students wiggled their bodies to create body movements to accompany the words of the song.

As the morning progressed, our students became increasingly more comfertable speaking up. 6 year old Maria sat quietly in her chair as she searched for the self confidence to share her name with the visiting group as we initiated the morning activities. Timidly she whispered "Me llamo Juana," and while her voice was quiet, I could tell that simply saying her name was a small accomplishment.

In rural Guatemala, women struggle to speak up. Young girls in Guatemala are rarely encouraged to share their minds and they may not have female role models in their lives who reflect skills of self confidence.

As the morning activities came to an end, Maria found the courage to stand in the center of a circle of linked hands of children and visiting actors, to look everyone in the eye, and to comfortably say her name. The endeavor may seem small, but for 6 year old Juana, learning the power of her own voice could transform her into a community leader.

With heart felt gratitude with thank Performing without Borders for their visit to our community center.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Artist Angelika Bauer Inspires Children with Art at La Puerta Abierta

Throughout the past three years, La Puerta Abierta has become much more than a library. It has transformed into a place where children gather with their mothers for early stimulation classes, where friends meet on Friday afternoons to play with our educational games, where teachers visit to borrow story books for their classes and where children sign up for a variety of classes and workshops.

In addition to serving the community as a library, La Puerta Abierta has been opening it's doors to the public as a genuine learning center. This month, we have been collaborating with Angelika Bauer who has been hosting a children's art work-shop at our center. German born Angelika has been living in Santiago for over twenty years and her paintings and drawings are celebrated in Guatemala and abroad.

Angelika hopes to inspire our students to explore creative art practices and has been teaching our students about abstract art and color combinations. Using oil pastels as their medium, local students have been revealing great artistic potential.
Shares 10 year old Maria, "I am having so much fun with art...maybe I'll be an artist like Angelika some day!"

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Meet Chonita, Our Outstanding Program Coordinator

I have fond memories of going to school as a child. I liked to study and to see my friends daily. By the time I finished sixth grade, I had also learned a variety of handy-crafts. I could embroider, sew, make beaded jewelry and crochet hats. I am grateful for learning these skills, because they allowed me to earn a small income and pay for a part of my school costs in Jr. High and High School.

In addition to studying, I really wanted to be able to help my parents with our family expenses. We are seven children all together, and I am the oldest sibling.

Fortunately, I was able to graduate from the teaching academy in Santiago Atitlan and I spent my first three years after graduating, working in different schools.

Nearly three years ago, I began working in La Puerta Abierta Learning Center. I feel very blessed for my current work because in addition to working in a pleasant environment, I am also helping my community, and I am continuing to learn new skills.

I divide my time between working at La Biblioteca Puerta Abierta, and caring for my two year old daughter Lea, who has the privilege of coming to the center with me daily. I hope that when she is older, she will cultivate an appreciation for reading and a love for learning.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

La Puerta Abierta Mommy and Me Class--Honoring Guatemalan Mothers!

Being a mother is definitely the toughest job you'll ever love, especially in rural Guatemala where moms are expected to care for large families.

Mothers wake up early to prepare baskets of fresh tortillas, spend the morning washing clothes by hand, walk to the market to purchase fruits and vegetables for the afternoon meal, tend to small children, and weave colorful textiles so that they can contribute to the family income.

When we began the Mommy and Me Class two years ago at La Puerta Abierta, I wondered if mothers would find the time in their busy days to bring their toddlers to our learning center for an hour of early stimulation.

Currently, La Puerta Abierta hosts two groups of toddlers and their mothers twice a week. Together, they explore a variety of toys and games. They gather on our colorful carpet for story hour and dip their fingers in sticky glue and finger paint to elaborate creative art projects together.

This week, I'd like to celebrate the mothers of our early stimulation class...mothers who have carved a magical hour out of their busy week to share the gift of early childhood education with their children.
If you'd like to celebrate a mother in your life and present her with a meaningful and alternative Mother's Day gift, you can support our Mommy and Me program with an online donation at A $25 donation supports a class of 15 mothers and their children for one month.