Monday, September 20, 2010

Young Artists at Work in La Puerta Abierta

Rain or shine, 1o year old Dolores is waiting at La Puerta Abierta for the doors to open on Friday afternoons. She has come to our center to receive art classes with collaborating artist, Angelika Bauer.
Angelika has been volunteering with La Puerta Abierta for six months now, teaching creative art practices to our community children.
Dolores shares that she looks forward to her Friday afternoon art class all week long. What she most likes about working with Angelika is "experimenting with new materials like oil pastels and textured paper."
In addition to participating in art classes at La Puerta Abierta, Dolores also enjoys visiting our center to read. She can often be spotted reading classics like Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Meet Ruth, our September Student of the Month!

Felicidades to Ruth, our September Student of the Month!

Ruth is a part of our Traveling Library Program. Once a week Miss Candelaria visits her small community of Panabaj to bring story hour to Ruth and her neighbors.

Age: 10 years old
Grade: 3rd
Favorite School Subject: Math
Hobbies: Drawing
Favorite Food: Apples
Shares Ruth, "I like the Traveling Library because I always learn something new with Miss Candelaria."

The teachers at La Puerta Abierta comment, "Ruth is an enthusiastic learner and loves to participate."